'Oh My God'

Singing, producing, mixing – MEIRA does it all: 'so I can capture the music in my head as well as possible.' It's not that she wants to be on stage by herself, but when it comes to the creative process she is self-reliant. From her track record as a session musician you can see the 25-year old MEIRA really is an all-rounder. She played keys with ESF-winner Duncan Laurence (NL) for a few years and has recently accompanied one of Holland's top comedians Claudia de Breij on drums.
'Oh My God' is the kind of song you slow dance to teary-eyed, bruised but not broken. It's about a love(r) that didn't stay, the question of where it went wrong, and a melancholy for better times: 'You're the enemy 'You're the end of me/All I wanted was you.' A musical reference to Lana del Rey is easy, but MEIRA also counts Courtney Love and Madonna as her inspirations.
In the music video, we see MEIRA as frontwoman of a band at a high school prom. The setting was visually inspired by the Hollywood classic 'Back to the Future'.
The fact that it's about a relationship between two women, or that there are kissing men at the prom, is not a statement to MEIRA. She's not the type for barriers, but someone who feels that same-sex relationships aren't any different from heterosexual relationships.
'Oh My God' is available on all streaming and download portals.
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