
The lives, fears and expectations for the future of older LGBTQI-people across Europe.
The Best4OlderLGBTI project intends to fight against discrimination based on age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics of older people, and to promote the rights of older (LGBTI) people, through raising awareness of different target groups contributing for a more equal and inclusive society.
The aim of the project is to develop a raising awareness campaign in six EU Member States, contributing for the decrease of inequalities and discrimination in attendance of public services and health and social care, as well as in encouraging the report of cases of discrimination.
Watch all the video's on YouTube.
Populations around the world are rapidly ageing and society must reorganize itself to receive all citizens in an inclusive and equality environment. We hope for an inclusive society, where everyone could be happy and live their lives with dignity and quality, regardless of their age, disabilities, sex, gender, race, cultural or social status.
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